Keep up with the campaign

One of the best parts of campaigning is the opportunity to get to know our neighbours and hear from them about what kind of a community they want to live in, and how we can make it happen together. But in these socially-distant times, it’s harder than ever to come together in this way. That’s why David started a podcast as an experiment in keeping in touch while we’re unable to see each other in person. 

One of the best ways to make sure you’re in the loop with what’s happening on the campaign is to follow David’s podcast—The Dash. Every week we’ll be regularly producing new episodes touching on issues that members of the Vancouver-Point Grey community have told us are important to them. We’ll also chat about the best way to get involved with the campaign, upcoming events, and more.   

This isn’t just a one-way street—we also want to hear from you! If you have an issue you’d like to hear David discuss on the podcast, feel free to send him a message.

In the meantime, click here to find all of the episodes of The Dash, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher.